ground shots web
Ground Shots extras
Ground shots extra: broadcast from Gunnison National Forest, Colorado

Paid episode

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Ground shots extra: broadcast from Gunnison National Forest, Colorado

Hey y’all, here’s a Ground Shots extras recorded on a snowy and muddy trail walk in the Gunnison National forest today. If you’ve been a podcast fan for awhile, you’ll know that Colorado ecology is close to my heart! And, it is nice to be back in a landscape that I spent so much time intimately loving and connecting with in the past. It’s nice to walk and see clinging Gambel oak leaves, Penstemon gone to seed, Willows freshly red and ready for winter. Today I saw a baby bear run across the trail with the smallest footprints. I was very alone way out there. And did some noise making after that in case momma bear was anywhere nearby. This is a quick journal entry and reflection, enjoy.

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